Online Shop

Wing Haven offers a small number of books, many penned by Elizabeth Lawrence, plants and, other seasonal items online or in person. Additionally, a number of recordings of adult education programs are made available for purchase.  All items available for purchase and pick up from the Foundation Office, 260 Ridgewood Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28209 or can be mailed in the United States (shipping and handling fees will apply). 

Need other gift ideas for the garden lovers in your life? Gift certificates, program or event registrations, and gift memberships all make wonderful gifts that don’t take up space in your home!


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Children's Books

Other Seasonal Items

Education: Recordings

In case you missed a live webinar or registration for a pre-recorded program, you can still purchase the recording below! We offer recordings of Imbibe & Inspire, Lecture Series, and Symposium.

Imbibe & Inspire Recordings

What is Imbibe & Inspire? This unique garden tour, now offered virtually, was born out of a tradition set by Elizabeth herself and Dr. Herbert Hechenbleikner, a biology professor who started the UNC-Charlotte Botanical Gardens with  UNC-Charlotte founder Bonnie Cone. Many a Thursday afternoon at 4:00, "Dr. Hech" and Elizabeth talked plants out on her terrace over a glass of "tea" - bourbon, sherry or port, and... you get the idea.  So grab a glass of your favorite beverage, sit back and be inspired!

Lecture Series Recordings

Recordings below are available for purchase. Simply register and you will receive the link shortly via email.

Symposium 2021 Recordings