Professional photography bookings
The gardens are an elegant canvas for distinctive bridal portraiture, engagement shoots, and family portraits. The grounds provide a variety of backdrops both formal and informal.
Our intention, following that of Wing Haven's original founders, is for guests to use our gardens to capture special moments using just the beauty of the natural backdrop on its own. Any use of Wing Haven for the purpose of making a profit must be approved in advance by the management of Wing Haven. We do not permit the use of props, decorations, or additional outside furniture or seating in the gardens unless approved by Wing Haven staff. Alcohol is not permitted on the premises unless served by a licensed caterer/bartender.
We thank you for helping us preserve the gardens and honor the legacy of the Clarksons and Elizabeth Lawrence.
Photography Bookings
Surprise Proposal Sessions
Photography and surprise proposal sessions must be scheduled seven business days in advance. Contact the office for photography related questions (704-331-0664).
Please note: Wing Haven does not provide a photographer for photo sessions. There are many excellent photographers in the area. Photographers must be licensed and insured or willing to sign a liability waiver.

Photography Bookings
Scheduling and Cost:
$100/hour during regular operating hours - Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wing Haven members receive a 10 % discount on photography sessions. Member fee is $90/hour during regular operating hours. Contact the office to learn more 704.331.0664.
After Hours: anytime the gardens are closed to visitors, before 10:00 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and all day on Sunday an additional charge of $35.00/hour will be applied for the staff monitoring fee.
Photography sessions have a minimum booking time of one hour. After that, additional time can be booked in 30-minute increments.
Photography sessions are limited to one photographer and up to four guests. Additional guests will be charged regular garden admission rates ($10/non-member adult). *Wing Haven does not provide a photographer for photo sessions. There are many excellent photographers in the area. Photographers must be licensed and insured or willing to sign a liability waiver.
The Elizabeth “Pepper” Dowd Education Building may be available to clients for privacy if preparation for a photo shoot is needed. Please inquire about availability when booking your photo shoot.
Photography sessions and engagements must be scheduled in advance.
Contact the office for photography related questions. To schedule a session, please fill out the inquiry form below. Please review the Rules for Use of Space prior to inquiring.
Surprise Proposal Sessions
Scheduling and Cost:
$150/hour for surprise proposals in the garden.
Wing Haven members receive a 10% discount on proposal sessions in the garden. Member fee is $135/hour. Contact the office to learn more 704.331.0664.
Proposal sessions have a minimum booking time of one hour. After that, additional time can be booked in 30-minute increments.
If booked after-hours, a Wing Haven host will be on-site, and you’ll have private garden access.
Surprise proposal bookings are limited to one photographer and up to six guests. Additional guests will be charged regular garden admission rates ($10/non-member adult).
The Elizabeth “Pepper” Dowd Education Building may be available to clients for privacy if preparation for a photoshoot is needed. Please inquire about availability when booking your photo shoot.
Private access to the gardens after public hours.
Contact the office for surprise proposal booking related questions. To schedule a session, please fill out the inquiry form below. Please review the Rules for Use of Space prior to inquiring.