Giving Season
““Gardening, reading about gardening and writing about gardening are all one; no one can garden alone.””
Elizabeth Lawrence’s studio. Five hundred volumes once filled these shelves.
This year, we wrap up the celebration of 75 years of the Elizabeth Lawrence House & Garden. Help us replicate Elizabeth Lawrence’s 500-volume horticultural reference library by purchasing one or more physical copies of books or making a contribution to The Elizabeth Lawrence Library Fund. Our goal is to raise $7,500 in cash or in-kind book value. The books will live in her studio that Wing Haven has preserved at 348 Ridgewood Ave. We also hope to recruit five new volunteers this Giving Tuesday to help maintain Elizabeth Lawrence’s historic gardens or as host interpreters.
Photo courtesy Elizabeth Way Rogers and Warren & Fran Way III
The recreated horticultural reference library is for guests to better understand the literary legacy of Elizabeth “Libba” Lawrence. Her library and garden provided a constant source of inspiration. An award-winning author, Elizabeth wrote six manuscripts, numerous articles for various regional and national publications, and over 700 columns for the Charlotte Observer.
In 2010, we received a generous donation of 60 volumes from Allen Lacy, and in 2015, we received another generous donation of over 250 volumes from Susan Richardson Whisnant Carpenter (Susan and her mother Lilibel Williams Richardson were gardeners, readers and bibliophiles in friendship with Elizabeth Lawrence).
You can help us fill the shelves! Our volunteers and staff have compiled a list of 150+ books that are still missing from this historical collection. The list linked below is all of the books they have found so far with prices ranging from $4 to over $14,000. This Giving Season, buy a book for Libba!
When purchasing books for Wing Haven, please ship directly to:
Wing Haven Foundation
260 Ridgewood Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28209
and don’t forget to call 704.331.0664 or email Jenna Carter
at to let us know so we can properly thank you for your gift!