Lecture: Choose Your Trees Like You Choose Your Pets


Lecture: Choose Your Trees Like You Choose Your Pets

from $10.00

Speaker: Dr. Larry Mellichamp - Professor, Horticulturist, Author

Despite damage from storms, people seem to want to plant trees of all types in their yards and feel it adds value to their property. BUT... not all species are equal. Homeowners should consider which trees are sturdy, long-lived, disease-free, beautiful, and most compatible with their lives; and, in contrast, which can become more difficult to manage. A $30 tree might be good as a youngster, but become a beast in the landscape costing $3,000 to remove in a few decades. What will their future be?

Dr. Mellichamp will discuss the process of selecting the best tree species, point out some pitfalls of poor decisions as to species and site selection and will answer any questions about trees. Think about trees in your future.

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